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Frankenyeast, or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb.


As many of you know we sell our out of date yeasts for $1.99, so that helps a little, but as it turns out, we had a lot of out of date yeast packs in our cooler and I wanted to make some space.  Enter "Frankenyeast".

We took all of our standard ale yeast strains that were out of date and pitched them in to a 5 gallon starter, and we're going to see what happens.  It might turn out that one strain overcomes all of the others and becomes dominant, or, more than likely, several strains will thrive and create a blend (of some sort.)

Today we pitched all of the packs and stirred it all up.  We will continue to manually agitate the carboy over the next three days, and then this weekend we have something special planned.  Anybody that wants some of the resulting yeast blend is welcome to come by this weekend and get their fill.  All we ask is that you bring some sort of container (small Mason jar, for example) that can be sanitized and we will fill it for you. Below you will find some pictures we took of the process as well as the strains that we pitched.


The White Labs and Wyeast packs that we pitched.  We also pitched three strains of yeast from RVA Yeast Labs.

We made a 5 gallon starter and transferred it to a 6 gallon carboy


Here's what the starter looked like after pitching just the Wyeast packs.  You can see the cold break at the bottom of the carboy while the yeast stays on top:


And here's what it looks like with all 59 packs pitched:


And all stirred together:


And here are the strains that we pitched:

Vendor Strain Number of Packs
Wyeast 1203 Burton Ale 2
Wyeast 1335 British Ale II 1
Wyeast 1450 Denny's Favorite 3
Wyeast 1318 London Ale III 1
Wyeast 1099 Whitbread Ale 1
White Labs WLP009 Australian Ale Yeast 2
White Labs WLP008 East Coast Ale Yeast 5
White Labs WLP037 N. Yorkshire Ale Yeast 2
White Labs WLP017 Whitebread Ale Yeast 3
White Labs WLP007 Dry English Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP080 Cream Ale Yeast Blend 2
White Labs WLP023 Burton Ale Yeast 4
White Labs WLP002 English Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP090 San Diego Super Yeast  1
White Labs WLP013 London Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP005 British Ale Yeast 2
White Labs WLP022 Essex Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP028 Edinburgh Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP036 Dusseldorf Ale Yeast 1
White Labs WLP060 American Ale Yeast Blend 3
White Labs WLP011 European Ale Yeast 3
White Labs WLP041 Pacific Ale Yeast 4
RVA RVA807 Dunnottar Castle Ale 4
RVA RVA141 Scotch Ale 5
RVA  RVA104 Hoptopper Ale 5

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  • Robb Burden
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