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Frankenyeast II - The Belgae


We've made another Frankenyeast! This time with 19 Belgian, Wheat and Saison strains.

When I told some folks that I was going to make another yeast blend and name it "Frankenyeast II" they ridiculed my lack of imagination for naming these things. Therefore, after much consideration we are going to call this one "The Belgae".

The Belgae were a Gaulish tribe and gave their name to the modern country of Belgium. Belgae is Celtic for "to swell with anger", which seemed a fitting name for a blend that has so many Wyeast "smack packs" in it.

60 packs of 19 different yeast went in to The Belgae

First I sorted out all of the packs that we were going to use:

All the yeast...

Then I made a 5 gallon starter and oxygenated it well:

Well oxygentated starter

And pitched ALL the yeast!

All 60 yeast packs pitched!

Once ready, we are going to be giving away FREE samples of The Belgae at the store!  All you have to do is ask for it and samples should be ready this Sunday (7/3).

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  • Robb Burden
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